Forum Discussion

richie's avatar
Community Hero
7 years ago

Looping Test Case - write out REST response value from each loop for use later

Hi,   I'm struggling to actually describe what I need - it is a property transfer - but I want the values to persist after each loop to be used later.   I have a test case that sources .json file...
  • New2API's avatar
    6 years ago

    richie, ideal solution is to store enityids in a test suite property as a comma separated values. I will update the post if I find a better solution.


    For now,  you could store entity id values in a flat file. 


    import net.sf.*
    import net.sf.json.*
    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    //## Get Directories ##//
    def projectPath = context.expand('${projectDir}')
    //Parse json response
    def response = context.expand( '${RESTRequest#Response}' )
    def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText response
    //get entityId record from json response
    def entityId = json.entityid "creating EntityID file..."
    //## Populate entityId data file ##//
    def entityIdFile = projectPath + "\\entityId.txt"
          entityData = new File(entityIdFile)
 "entityID from the rest request is - $entityId" "Writing entityId to datafile..."
     entityData.append("$entityId" +'\r\n')

      It will be nice to clear the file once you execute desired testcase or testSuite. (Probably in testSuite or project teardown script or a separate groovy step)



    //## Get Directories ##//
    def projectPath = context.expand('${projectDir}') "Clearing EntityID file..."
    def entityIdFile = projectPath + "\\entityId.txt"
          entityData = new File(entityIdFile)
          entityData .delete() // Clear File Contents //