Forum Discussion

pwebb's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

JSON conversion to XML does not work

I have a conditional transfer which is not picking up the last response correctly, when I view the JSON response below in XML I get <xml/>

This means the conditional transfer Xpath Expression (Select XPath) only returns XML Node (xml), I'd like to check for the contents of taskStatus but just cannot get the JSOn/XML conversion to work which is causing a big headache on my project.

Could someone please explain why JSON to XML convertion is not working?

JSON is valid


"taskSubmittingUser": "",
"taskErrorMessage": "",
"params": {
"envId": "cb6be94d-ab41-49a5-b48a-f08f1ddb29fd",
"riskMeasures": ["EPE"],
"listInputSourceFilePaths": [
"riskFactorsPortfolioFilePath": "TDSampleSet/PortfolioData/PortfolioRfe.csv",
"aggregationFilePath": "TDSampleSet/PortfolioData/Aggregation.csv",
"counterpartyFilePath": "TDSampleSet/PortfolioData/CounterpartyHierarchy_withRFE.csv",
"reportOutputFilePath": "TempResults/Report.csv",
"legalDocumentFilePath": "TDSampleSet/PortfolioData/LegalDocument.csv",
"internalEntityFilePath": "TDSampleSet/PortfolioData/InternalEntity.csv",
"portfolioFilePath": "TDSampleSet/PortfolioData/Portfolio.csv"
"taskEndTime": "",
"taskStatus": "",
"taskStartTime": "Sun Oct 02 20:24:25 UTC 2016",
"taskId": "3512c221-3352-4ff1-a6fe-42ac99328313"

2 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Was it used to work earlier? If yes, then what is the change in recent times which is leading to failure?
    • pwebb's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Actually got this to work by re-creating exactly the same method/resource through during editing the suite rather than via Projects. The methods/resources seems to become corrupted.


      This can be closed.