Forum Discussion

smakkerlak's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

How do i hide a testcase from reports?

Due to the security used with my api (josso) i have created a testcase that gets user information and their necessary sessionid. I then use the Run TestCase teststep in my testcases and get user information from that. The testcase itself is disabled and is only run from other testcases.


My issue now is that the testcase shows up in reports, effectively doubling the reported amount of testcases which muddies results.


How do i remove the testcase from reports? I use the junit style reports if that could be relevant.


Equally interesting to me: is there a better solution? I'd like to stick to the GUI functionality to make it easier for others to maintain, but i cannot figure out if my "Bearer fixed_token.sessionId" header scheme can be supported along with getting user information from an excel sheet.

3 Replies

    • smakkerlak's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      It will be a few days until i can post a screenshot.


      Meanwhile, i tried finding some more information about customizing reports, but it seems to be its own complexity. I have not learned how to use it yet, so can you recommend some reading material or just some ideas for approaching the problem, so i can search for the right things? The junit reports are great so all i need is to remove that one testcase.

    • smakkerlak's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Heres screenshots of the report and the testcases in a suite. It does seem odd that getPlayerAndSession is up top even if it is disabled. Excuse my masterful removal of information. :)