Forum Discussion

bs01's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Generate HTML reports - Command line.




We are using Ready API (ours is web services testing), and using only soapui ng pro.

We are executing the tests from command line like this, but, the reports are not stored in HTML format. They were stored in .txt, and also just with failure.

I want to get Junit format HTML reports with all steps (pass, fail, not executed). Please let me know the command.


To print my validations inside of the test, I am using - ("test Passed") 

I want to get all these be printed in the Html report.


testrunner.bat c:\newproj\myproj.xml -J -fc:\rep


Tested even this:

testrunner.bat c:\newproj\myproj.xml -a -fc:\\rep -F HTML



I got only .txt, and inside of those,  my related output was not printed. 

And, I did not get the .HTML file either.

  • Hi,

    Try using the following command line.

    testrunner.bat "-FHTML" "-RJUnit-Style HTML Report" "C:\myfolder\myproject.xml"

    If you want to get a JUnit-style HTML report, you need to specify this in the –R argument. Please note that –F and –A arguments are ignored in this case. Please refer to the following online article for more information:


    Does this help?

10 Replies

  • bs01's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Any help is much appreciated, as we stuck at this point.

    • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)


      Try using the following command line.

      testrunner.bat "-FHTML" "-RJUnit-Style HTML Report" "C:\myfolder\myproject.xml"

      If you want to get a JUnit-style HTML report, you need to specify this in the –R argument. Please note that –F and –A arguments are ignored in this case. Please refer to the following online article for more information:


      Does this help?

      • bs01's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Thanks for the reply!

        However, we have one issue. We use - to print/log the message.


        Our framework is:



             Test Case

                    Step One


        We run the same step (Step One) using DataSource with Data Source Loop for 60 times.

        So, though we test 60 web services, as we use the same step (Step One), in the Html it is shown only test case= pass.

        The steps were not printed. Is there any way to print Step-wise AND the - related message to the HTML.

