Forum Discussion

MW_Didata's avatar
Regular Contributor
3 days ago

Can visual test work with .net applications?

I'm trying the Visual Test trial licence, and for web based applications it seems to work as intended.

I can't find anything on visual testing other applications.

Google is not my friend in this case, when searching anything related to Visual test I only get Non related results, When added 'Smartbear' to the search I only get Testcomplete related stuff.


When trying things on my own I just keep getting the error:

 "VisualTest : can't get 'ObjectType' property for object"

Our application is a .Net 8 WinForms application

  • After asking the Testcomplete Forums it seems VisualTest is Web only.

  • MW_Didata's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    After asking the Testcomplete Forums it seems VisualTest is Web only.