Forum Discussion

SaraJens's avatar
2 years ago

Unable to navigate to URL from TestExecute

Integrated AzureDevOps and Testcomplete and created pipeline.

TestExecute sits on remote desktop.

While starting execution - getting error message like Info: Cannot find the Page node after calling the NavigateTo method.

URL navigation is not happening in remote desktop. same working as expected in local.

Can someone please suggest how to proceed further.

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    TestExecute sits on remote desktop.

    I am not sure I got your setup...

    Can you confirm that:

    -- Agent on the test machine is configured to be executed interactively, not as a service?

    -- TestExecute is installed on the agent machine?


    Can you post a screenshot of your pipeline?

    Can you start TestExecute on the agent box, open your test project (check pipeline's log to get the location of where test project was extracted to), open test log and check if it contains any useful information?


  • Scripting part done in my local via TestComplete.
    Test Execute is installed in remote machine - agent configured to be executed interactively.
    Synced code to AzureDevOps through GIT/
    Made all set up to connect TestExecute from Azure.
    I created pipeline and started queue.
    Agent running successfully , test case has been identified and picked.
    Next step browser launch - url navigation is not happening.
