Forum Discussion

msalvador's avatar
Frequent Contributor
12 months ago

There are no tests that match the "@Appointment AND @Note" tag expression.

Hi guys,

I have different TC and I use tags for run.

function BT2_T805_Sample_Create_an_appointment() ...

function BT2_T806_Sample_Delete_an_appointment()...

function BT2_T267_Add_notes_to_the_agenda()...

If I execute:

Testexecute "<XXX>" /project:Gemini-POC  /r /e /ExportSummary:"<XXX>" /tags:"@Appointment and @Note" /ExportLog:"<XXX>"

I have this error

There are no tests that match the "@Appointment and @Note" tag expression.  

I tried to run within testcomplete but I have the same issue.

If I run only one tag, works, any suggestion?


  • I've never really understood how to works or tried to understand the logic, and had given up on using tags.

    If you try with or then it will work /tags:"@Appointment or @Note" - based on TC v15.61.1.7

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I've never really understood how to works or tried to understand the logic, and had given up on using tags.

    If you try with or then it will work /tags:"@Appointment or @Note" - based on TC v15.61.1.7

    • msalvador's avatar
      Frequent Contributor


      you have right, I wanted to run all the tags, and the formula is /tags:"@Appointment or @Note", not and.

      Thank you