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todd2's avatar
2 months ago

TestComplete course

Good afternoon.  I was wondering if you know of an intermediate TestComplete course I could enroll in that would teach TestComplete scripting in Python along with other advanced topics for the non scripter?

I cant find one and searching is not yielding a positive contact.  I have sent something to Training Boss and heard nothing back.  I have contacted TestManagement Inc and no answer there either. 


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    You are better off reading and seeing some of the video tutorials on TestComplete here It's very simple to learn providing you know the basics first, and majority of the content is clear and simple to follow.

    Ensure you read the information about Python and the limitations here There's plenty of materials on the internet, on programming in Python

    The errors/issues you have described are very common, and are mainly relating to not knowing how TestComplete actually works.

    Depending on whether you want to test a web or desktop application, you have to choose the appropriate way of identifying UI objects, as describe here 

    Not forgetting, the community forum can help too.


  • Hassan_Ballan's avatar
    Frequent Contributor


    TestComplete Video Center | SmartBear Software is a good beginner start.
    Academy | SmartBear Software is second best stop in learning where you can also obtain a certificate.
    Mind you none of the above will teach you scripting in the sense of writing code, and to learn Python I suggest you check out 

    To learn TestComplete scripting in Python, I suggest you record a Keyword test script and convert it into code based script Converting Keyword Tests to Scripts | TestComplete Documentation

    • todd2's avatar


      I have followed all those videos and converted to Scripts but I feel there is something still missing with the education.  I see a lot of errors with TestComplete and Keyword testing modality.  The Name Map editor fails to recognize objects and autoheal does not work consistently enough for my liking.  I want to attend a course where I can specifically utilize TestComplete with Python code exclusively.  I want to not use the Name Map Editor and build my TestComplete framework to use with TC.  I think our software has a lot of changes involved that TestComplete cant keep up and yes I know I have to maintain those changes and think it would be more resilient if it was straight code.  I also want to tie TestComplete to JIRA and Jenkins so that it is part of a workflow.  When a software version is released from Jenkins, I want TestComplete (TC) to fire off the specific test.  I dont see the resiliency with Keyword testing.  I actiually see the Name Map Editor Object ID engine skip over what it should click on and I see this often enough that leads me to believe Keyword testing is fine for small tasks but something as large as our softwarfe that spans three different URLs and many screens and objects it is beter if it was all TestComplete Python.  

      Is there such a class ILT Instructor Lead in the US anywhere?  Not just a video from SmartBear but an actual class from a TestComplete SME?



      • Hassan_Ballan's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        Hi todd2

        Quick Google search gave lots of hits for online instructor lead courses.

        As TestComplete wants to run as fast as it can, you need to make an extra effort to make it wait as much as needed for the application response and for the elements to be ready. Combining multiple waiting techniques would be required, for example

        I hear your pain, I had to deal with exact situation. Four years now on the project and I have successfully automated our constantly changing packaged application that is built on Salesforce CRM. In Salesforce, the majority of the UI action changes the page URL. My automation run takes 1:30, and the log number of entries are on the 9k mark. That is a large project. You should be able to accomplish the same.

        I used KeywordTest and JavaScript, and for the NameMapping I strictly create each node entry manually by myself. I do not allow TestComplete to map anything or self-heal and that was the game changer for me especially for shrink the size of NameMapping database. Learning XPath to write my own statements and also learning to use browser Inspect to analyze the HTML dome structure was a challenge. TestComplete does a good job in recognizing Salesforce UI elements, but I needed to parameterize the NameMapping node to reduce the amount of updates as Salesforce constantly change UI libraries.

        The language you chose should not make any difference, and the alternative for you is to strictly write code base scripts and bypass the NameMapping all together.