Forum Discussion

praveensqa's avatar
13 years ago

How to run the WebServices test


How to invoke the web service method.

Web service method has 

Input and O/P functions

Input has one function-  using this i will pass the variable

O/P has one function- using this i will get the values

But, how to invoke those two Web services

Thanking you.

Please suggest.



  • Alexei ,

    from the below code i am able to get the response.


      Set ResponseXML = XmlHttpRequest.responseXML

      Call Log.Message("See the response XML in the Additional Information pane", responseXML.xml)

      Set Response = ServiceInfo.ParseInfo("createLandmark", ResponseXML)

      Call Log.Message("Entity ID: " & Response.entityId)


    //// Then you can parse the XML response (ResponseXML) as you need or work with the parsed object (Response).

    Using the  Response object i am getting all the response parameter results.

    Now i am able to send the header along with request object, getting the response object. 

    So now i am able to test the Webservice Testing using Test complete.

    Thanks for all.



  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Praveen,

    Thank you for the update. .ParseInfo() is the thing that I never used before. This thread was really useful for me and I believe that it will be referenced quite often.

    (The only thing at the moment that I would like to know how to do with web services in TestComplete is how to sign the SOAP message header/body. But this is probably the topic for another thread/case...)