Forum Discussion

RickSaltzman's avatar
New Contributor
12 months ago

Cucumber for Jira automated token generation

Using Cucumber for Jira to manually click through Add Living Documentation and subsequently Manage Results my .github/workflow/cucumber.yml makes use of the token so obtained to run cucumber and post results visible in Jira.  The token is store via manually updating a github secret for Actions.  A single line of code obtains the token: 

`c4j_token: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && secrets.C4J_TOKEN || secrets.C4J_TOKEN_BRANCH }}`

for use in the subsequent curl POST to


This works as expected.   I would like to eliminate all manual steps in the process so that any developer creating and pushing a branch never needs to manually Add Living Documentation nor manually obtain a token for the branch, nor manually Manage Results to create a new secret for every branch in github.  A reference to an API and examples of how to drive it for Add Living Documentation would be helpful.  A separate reference to the c4j results API wherein the `-F ` options passed via curl can include the repo/branch, and a generic token that can be generated and used for all repos/branches.   Or an API mechanism to generate the token so it can be included in the workflow code.

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