Hey Anastasia,
unfortunately your suggestions were not the solution i was searching for, so now i retrieve the 'Last Run Time' with a more complicated SQL query within the test (just wanted to make it easy to get the value of the last run ).
Now it looks like this:
var func = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^\(]+)/)[1];
var Cmd = ADO.CreateADOCommand();
Cmd.ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=Server\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=SoftwarePlanner;Uid=uid;Pwd=pwd;";
Cmd.CommandText = "select TestRunItemRunTimeFormated from dbo.View_TestRunsAdHoc where TestRunItemDateFinished = (select max(TestRunItemDateFinished) from dbo.View_TestRunsAdHoc where TestRunItemTestName = (select Title from dbo.View_TestAutomations where EntryPoint like '%"+ func +"'))";
var RecSet = Cmd.Execute();
var rsRT = RecSet.Fields.Item(0).Value;
Although thank you for reply, still helpful for other purposes.