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ANW's avatar
14 years ago

Automation Scheduler: Status = FileNotFound??

Hey there

I am trying to test out the Automation Scheduler, and have installed and setup the Automation bridge between QA Complete and TestComplete.

I then created a new Automation entry. First nothing happened when the time passed, so I tried pressing the 'RunNow' button. I just got a message that it would run shortly. After a bit, i refreshed the view, and saw that status had changed to 'FileNotFound'.

What does that mean?

Since it checks real-time through the Automation Bridge, when I create the scheduled run, for the names of the project suite, projects etc. i am at a bit of a loss, as to why it can't find the file??

I have setup the selected project in TC with a TestItem, so something should be run.

Is there anywhere I can see, why it can't find the file?? ... and which file is it referring to?? .. TestItem?? .. ProjectSuite?? .. TestComplete??

Thanks in advance

  • ANW's avatar
    I think I found the problem. 

    Due to having our TC files version controlled by Git, we moved the files to a new folder. Thus the Automation Bridge registration was wrong. The files no longer exist at the specified location.

    But why would QA Complete not know this when I am trying to set up the Sceduled Automation run? ... it looks like it is accessing the data real-time. If the project suite is no longer present, how would QA Complete know which Projects are available??

    Also now that I have updated the registration, I am having a new problem.

    When I run the TestItem(s) from Test Complete, no logs are generated in the SPTCLog location?? ... and I am not getting any logs into QA Complete as a result.

    I then tried making a new Scheduled Automation run, and started it manually with the 'RunNow' button. Something seemed to happen, as my TestComplete window became active. But then nothing. In QA Complete the status is 'Launched'.

    I am using the new 8.20 release of TC Enterprise.
  • Hi Anders,

    We are dealing with a log file size issue - it seems some of the TestComplete logs are just too large for us to upload and access as expected. We're working on a resolution for that right now.

    But once the schedule is "Launched" you should see results post over in Automation Runs - is anything over there?

    The other issues might be best addressed by our Support Team if you have the time to submit a ticket.

  • ANW's avatar
    Nope ... no results at all. Also the test I am running is only two functions, so the log should be manageable.

    Now I know I have had the Automation bridge working at some point when I set it up and tested it, so maybe it has some problems with TC8.20??

    Anyways, i will make a support ticket for it.