Forum Discussion

prasannawins10's avatar
Occasional Visitor
5 years ago

Need to do Automation testing with readyapi

Hi Team,
We have requirement like, we need to do automate readyapi functional testing, 
using below
1. Gitlabrunner

2. Ansible AWX

3. Jenkins

if we are using ci in gitlabrunner, how we can integrate with readyapi functional testing in gitlab ci, we don't want to install ready api in target server, we need to run testing in gitlab ci need to install any plugin here?

2.Ansible AWX,
do we have any plugin with ansible AWX or any other tools.

3. Jenkins,
can we integrate with readyapi with jenkins tools,

  • Hi,


    Im not the best placed to answer this question, but I'll do my best - I can answer some of your points.


    Are you talking about running on prem or in the cloud?


    Using Gitlab runner with ReadyAPI! has been working for several years, so this is entirely possible.


    I haven't found any Ansible plugins. Ive seen a lot more people talk about using Maven rather than Ansible with SoapUI/ReadyAPI!


    Jenkins has been used for years to orchestrate pipelines with SoapUI/ReadyAPI! - so yes - Jenkins works with ReadyAPI!


    In regards to your 

    prasannawins10 wrote:


    if we are using ci in gitlabrunner, how we can integrate with readyapi functional testing in gitlab ci, we don't want to install ready api in target server, we need to run testing in gitlab ci need to install any plugin here?

    you state you wont want to instead readyAPI! on the target server, you want to run testing on your gitlab CI server - I'm not actually clear here what you mean by 'target server' in the context of your statement.

    HOWEVER - anywhere you want to run your ReadyAPI! tests, will need an instance of ReadyAPI!/SoapUI.  So if you have a central ci/cd server running automation suites in parallel (e.g. front end automation, performance, etc.) for each feature branch thats checked out, youll need a ReadyAPI!/SoapUI instance installed on that machine also if you want your API testing to also form part of your feature branch automation testing.  There's no way around this.   To avoid having to cough up for an additional ReadyAPI! license on your ci/cd server, you could install opensource SoapUI on your execution server, however, youll have to restrict yourself from using ANY of the functionality available in ReadyAPI! in the ReadyAPI! project that is not available in open source SoapUI (like Data Driven functionality, event handling, etc.) 





  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero



    Im not the best placed to answer this question, but I'll do my best - I can answer some of your points.


    Are you talking about running on prem or in the cloud?


    Using Gitlab runner with ReadyAPI! has been working for several years, so this is entirely possible.


    I haven't found any Ansible plugins. Ive seen a lot more people talk about using Maven rather than Ansible with SoapUI/ReadyAPI!


    Jenkins has been used for years to orchestrate pipelines with SoapUI/ReadyAPI! - so yes - Jenkins works with ReadyAPI!


    In regards to your 

    prasannawins10 wrote:


    if we are using ci in gitlabrunner, how we can integrate with readyapi functional testing in gitlab ci, we don't want to install ready api in target server, we need to run testing in gitlab ci need to install any plugin here?

    you state you wont want to instead readyAPI! on the target server, you want to run testing on your gitlab CI server - I'm not actually clear here what you mean by 'target server' in the context of your statement.

    HOWEVER - anywhere you want to run your ReadyAPI! tests, will need an instance of ReadyAPI!/SoapUI.  So if you have a central ci/cd server running automation suites in parallel (e.g. front end automation, performance, etc.) for each feature branch thats checked out, youll need a ReadyAPI!/SoapUI instance installed on that machine also if you want your API testing to also form part of your feature branch automation testing.  There's no way around this.   To avoid having to cough up for an additional ReadyAPI! license on your ci/cd server, you could install opensource SoapUI on your execution server, however, youll have to restrict yourself from using ANY of the functionality available in ReadyAPI! in the ReadyAPI! project that is not available in open source SoapUI (like Data Driven functionality, event handling, etc.) 



