Forum Discussion

creatxbiz_1's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

SubmitListener.afterSubmit not taking effect when run from Test Case level



I had set an event at Project level to remove CDATA as below for SubmitListener.afterSubmit:


if( submit.response == null )

def content = submit.response.responseContent
content = content.replaceAll( "<!\\[CDATA\\[", "" )
content = content.replaceAll( "<\\?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"\\?>", "" )
content = content.replaceAll( "]]>", "" ) content )

submit.response.responseContent =  content

I am having issue where the CDATA is not removed when I run from Test Case level. It is however removed successfully when I submit the individual request on its own. Is there any other settings that I need to do ?


Please view the attached swf video (you may launch it from IE).


Thank you..

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