Ready! API 1.4 Always refering to tcp://localhost:7222 eventough HermesJMS is correctly configured
Hi all,
I hope there is someone here who can help me out with the following scenario:
I installed Ready API 1.4 and I have Created an HermesJMS Connection to a remote EMS server
From within HermesJMS i was able to discover the Queues... so far so good.
From the "Project View" i added an End point to the Interface from which i will be using the opperation, To do this, i used the JMS endpoint wizzard here i set the "To" Queue and the "Reply" Queue.
After this, i switched to SoapUI NG (pro) where i created an Testcase and added an JMS step to the testcase.
i selected the operation that i wanted to use and set the correct endpoint (which was already available).
After filling in the details required for my JMS call i pressed the sent button....
it took some Miliseconds but it stated that the message was sent. (but there was no reply)
(Please note that i did specify the reply queue in the Wizard)
because there was no reply, I restarted Ready API 1.4 with the .bat file... running it in debug mode.
when i initiated the JMS call again i noticed that the Debug window stated that it could not connect to tcp://localhost:7222.
my question is as followed:
why is the request sent to tcp://localhost:7222 eventought the endpoint is pointing to the hermesJMS configuration and the configuration is pointing towards an remote server on which the EMS is running.
Hi zijst005
Thanks for reporting your problem. We found out that it is actually a bug, related to Ready! API - Hermes interaction. While we are working on it, you could use a workaround: copy the following jars from ReadyAPI-1.4.0/hermesJMS/lib to ReadyAPI-1.4.0/lib:
- asm-2.1.jar
- asm-commons-2.1.jar
- asm-util-2.1.jar
- cglib-2.2_beta1.jar
Also, make sure you set connection parameters in Hermes both for plugin (serverUrl, username, password) and connection factory (serverUrl, userName, userPassword) - the values should be the same.
Please, write back how that will work out.