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JeanL's avatar
13 years ago

SPAN tag without text

How can I reach SPAN tag which has no text in it:


<DIV id="main_panel">

    <SPAN class="someclass"></SPAN>

    <SPAN class="status_error"></SPAN>

    <SPAN class="someotherclass"></SPAN>


<DIV id="main_panel_2">

    <SPAN class="someclass"></SPAN>

    <SPAN class="status_error"></SPAN>

    <SPAN class="someotherclass"></SPAN>


<DIV id="main_panel_3">

    <SPAN class="someclass"></SPAN>

    <SPAN class="status_error"></SPAN>

    <SPAN class="someotherclass"></SPAN>


I would like to get the SPAN object which is inside the DIV "main_panel" and which class is "status_error". Class of the SPAN can also be "status_ok", and that's what i would like to check, which one it is. I have tried this:

Set object = page.Panel("main_panel")

propArray = Array("tagName", "className")

valuesArray = Array("SPAN", "status_*")

Set temp = page.FindChild(propArray, valuesArray, 100)

If StrComp(temp.className, "status_error", 1) = 0 Then ...

FindChild returns nothing. I guess it's because the SPAN doesn't have any text in it, am I right? I can't use firstchild, lastchild etc. properties because the number of child elements of the DIV and the place of the SPAN object I need  varies.

So how can I check is the class of the SPAN "status_error" or "status_ok"?

3 Replies

  • Hi,

    Here's how you can do this:

    Set object = page.Panel("main_panel")

    arr = Split(object.innerHTML, "status_")

    result = Split(arr1(1), ">")

    Log.Message result(0)

    Refer to the 'Split Function' MSDN article for more information about the function.
  • Ok, this looks bit like MacGyver solution ;)

    I could also just use InStr method to compare innerHTML property of the object  to "status_error" or "status_ok", but i was looking for some "cleaner" way to do this.

    So there's no way to get the SPAN object I want with any find methods?
  • Hi Jean, 

    Here's how you can retrieve the value of the 'class' attribute using TC 8.50 and its new functionality to get web pages' elements using XPath:

    arr = page.EvaluateXPath("//DIV[@id='main_panel']/SPAN[starts-with(@class, 'status_')]/@class")

    Log.Message arr(0).NodeValue

    See the Page.EvaluateXPath help topic for more information.