Forum Discussion

tlichten's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

Response table-column of SOAP-UI SQL-Query is changed to "_xml" when table-column begins with "xml"

Dear Soap-UI community :smileyvery-happy:,

just for your information in case you're running wild if some of your validations for soap-ui sql-queries are not working as expected in newer versions of soap-ui (currently 5.1.2, 5.1.3).


When an SQL-Query is send in Soap-UI 5.1.1 or 5.1.3 to query a table column that begins with "xml" the response table-column is changed to "_xml".


For this query:


SELECT xml_column FROM table;

The Resonse is something like this in current Soap-UI-Versions (5.1.2, 5.1.3):


    <ResultSet fetchSize="1">
        <Row rowNumber="1">

 The expected result would be without the underscore "_" like this which is the case in Soap-UI 5.0.0:

    <ResultSet fetchSize="1">
        <Row rowNumber="1">

Just to let you know if you come across that issue. It is still working fine in 5.0.0



Kind regards




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