11 years agoOccasional Contributor
Drag and Drop without using cordinate system
i am currently trying to Drag an object in a Cell from one DevXtraGridcontrol to another cell on another cell in DevXtraGridcontrol. how i can implement it in Vbscript please help
Alternatively how can we find the Cordinates of a particular cell of a DevXtraGridcontro ?
Alternatively how can we find the Cordinates of a particular cell of a DevXtraGridcontro ?
Hi Saurabh,
The code below identifies the coordinates of the cell and drags it. You can try creating you own Drag function based on it.
Sub Test
Set grid = Sys.Process("GridMainDemo").WinFormsObject("frmMain").WinFormsObject("panelControl1").WinFormsObject("gcContainer")._
Call DragNDropCell(grid, 2, 3, 5, 2)
End Sub
Sub DragNDropCell(grid, sourceRow, sourceCol, destRow, destCol)
Set source = grid.MainView.ViewInfo.GetGridCellInfo_2(sourceRow, sourceCol)
Set dest = grid.MainView.ViewInfo.GetGridCellInfo_2(destRow, destCol)
x = source.Bounds.Left + source.Bounds.Width / 2
y = source.Bounds.Top + source.Bounds.height / 2
dX = dest.Bounds.Left - source.Bounds.Left + dest.Bounds.Width / 2
dY = dest.Bounds.Top - source.Bounds.Top + dest.Bounds.Height / 2
Call grid.Drag(x, y, dX, dY)
End Sub