Forum Discussion

mrezahoseini's avatar
10 years ago

comparison between two strings



I use a file(PerdiocRequest) , which has been attached, inorder to make a string by this code: 


var Driver = DDT.ExcelDriver("C:\\PeriodicRequest.xls", "Sheet1");

var m =Driver.Value(0);
m = aqConvert.VarToStr(m);
var k= Driver.Value(1);
k = aqConvert.VarToStr(k);
var z = Driver.Value(2);
z = aqConvert.VarToStr(z);
var y = Driver.Value(3);
y = aqConvert.VarToStr(y);

total =m+"-"+k+"-"+z+"-"+y;


Also, I have used an object, which has been captued and attaced as a jpg format, in the code it is called t1( AppType.frmGridDetails.tableLayoutPanel1.grpContent.tlpValues.lblValue3)


I compare total and t1 with each other. Althought they are the same, but the result is different.


Could anybody help me why is occued?



function Test1(AppType)

AppType.frmPeriodicRequest.tableLayoutPanel1.entityDataGridView1.dgvMain.Click(824, 41);
var Driver = DDT.ExcelDriver("C:\\PeriodicRequest.xls", "Sheet1");

var m =Driver.Value(0);
m = aqConvert.VarToStr(m);
var k= Driver.Value(1);
k = aqConvert.VarToStr(k);
var z = Driver.Value(2);
z = aqConvert.VarToStr(z);
var y = Driver.Value(3);
y = aqConvert.VarToStr(y);

total =m+"-"+k+"-"+z+"-"+y;

t1 = aqConvert.VarToStr(AppType.frmGridDetails.tableLayoutPanel1.grpContent.tlpValues.lblValue3.Text);

total = aqConvert.VarToStr(total);



if(t1 == total)

Log.Message("Not Equal");






Image of t1(AppType.frmGridDetails.tableLayoutPanel1.grpContent.tlpValues.lblValue3)





Excel File:









1 Reply

  • HKosova's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi mahnazreza,

    The easiest way to troubleshoot failed comparisons is to output both values to the test log, for example, using Log.Message. Or if you use property checkpoints to compare values, TestComplete will log the compared values automatically:

    total = m + "-" + k + "-" + z + "-" + y;
    aqObject.CheckProperty(AppType.frmGridDetails.tableLayoutPanel1.grpContent.tlpValues.lblValue3, "Text", cmpEqual, total);

    On your screenshots, the dialog shows "800-801-2-1" but the Excel file contains "800-801-100-1" - so the values are actually different.