Forum Discussion

farhanahmed's avatar
12 years ago

Having problem with Save As file, while replacing with existing file!!!

Hi all,

i have a little problem

i want to Save As a file ABC , there already exists file ABC when i select this file and click Save button another confirmation message appears with Yes and No buttons ,to update this existing file or not, when i click Yesbutton.clickbutton test complete does not recognise Yesbutton,

Yes and No buttons are not recognised where as i have already mapped these two buttons.

i want to do yesBtn.clickbutton but its not working for, if some one could tell me how can i do it??

Im writing my script by using VB Script

pic is attached ..



5 Replies

  • It's probably because your two dialogs have the same window title.  You need to make sure that you are uniquely describing your objects and the window(s) that they are in.  If you have access to the developers, it might be useful to get them to change the title to something like "Overwrite", as it's a little more obvious IMO.
  • is there any other solution other than changing the title of the confirmaion message box??

  • There almost always another solution.  Just make sure that your objects and their descriptions are unique.  Is the "overwrite" dialog a child of the original dialog?  If so, the path will be different.
  • Hi,

    Map the second dialog and its buttons and specify the buttons as its required children. TC will distinguish between your dialogs by buttons they contain.