Forum Discussion

sinis's avatar
2 years ago

Running Googletests in TestComplete

We have a TCUnit Test in TestComplete where we have an application exe and then we run it and load all the methods from Visual Studio and run it. But can we do the similar method when we use Google Tests or some other framework where we can load the tests and select the tests and run it in TestComplete or do we have to use the dll and run all tests?

5 Replies

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Ah ok. There's a sample project called UnitTesting_C#_C#Script which uses a process.


    See Integration With Unit Testing Frameworks - it has the various supported frameworks. I'm not 100% sure, but if it's configured correctly then it might be possible. I don't have Desktop license, so I'm unable to test it.

    • sinis's avatar

      rraghvani , can we do testing of CPP methods which are written in another application using TestComplete?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I don't quite fully understand the question - but to run TestComplete tests, you have to use TestComplete. You can also use CI/CD application that supports TestComplete to run Tests.


    I'm not familiar with Google Test, and I'm certain it will not work in TestComplete.

    • sinis's avatar

      rraghvani , what I meant is, we have TCUnitTests, right? to run the tests we have written in Visual Studio using C# or any other language and call it as a process to detect all methods in that application, right?


       What I want to know is whether this method is possible where we have a MSTest or NUnit framework and we have tests written using this in Visual Studio and can we have all the tests detected as a process in TestComplete and run it or do we have to use dll only?