Forum Discussion

ryanshoward's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

DDT Driver Getting data from specific row VBscript



I'm trying to use the DDT driver to grab some login details from an xlsx file but I'm having issues when using

While Not DDT.CurrentDriver.EOF

Here is my code

Sub GetUsername_Password
Dim Driver
' Creates a driver
Set Driver = DDT.ExcelDriver("C:\LoginDetails\loginDetails.xlsx", "Sheet1",true)

 While Not DDT.CurrentDriver.EOF
 If DDT.CurrentDriver.Value("Permissions")= "Write" Then
  log.Message "Found"
  log.Message "Not found"
  End If
End Sub


Basically I want to do the following:

Open up the excel file

find the column "Permissions"

Locate the cell "Write"

output the username and password for "write" - I havent added this part yet


The problem I'm having is that when i run this I get an error stating


'Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record'


If I comment Out the line 'While Not DDT.CurrentDriver.EOF ' it finds the cell "Write", but it wont then find the cell "Read" if I want it to.


How do I code it so It will find any cell in the permissions column when i specify it in the If statement?


Apologies if I have made any obvious mistakes I'm new to vbs. I've attached my sample file


Please help














  • The Next() call needs to be at the end of your loop, not the beginning.