Forum Discussion

vshetty's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 months ago

TestEngine API to get the transaction details returns 404 - Intermittent Issue

We are running the Ready API tests in TestEngine and generating the report in JSON format. The JSON report doesn't returns the test's request and response. So we are using the CURL to get the details of failed tests's request and response using below TestEngine API. We use the details of failed transaction to debug a test and fix accordingly.


As mentioned in the TestEngine documnetation (

we are using the TestEngine API to get the transaction details, below curl is been executed as a part of automation bash script to get the transaction details 

curl -u username:password http://localhost:8080/api/v1/testjobs/<testJobId>/transactions/<transactionId>


Sometimes the above TestEngine API call returns 404 response as below (this is intermittent issue). But after sometime, the same above API works fine and returns the transaction details

{"code":404,"message":"No transaction log found for testjobId: <testJobId> and transactionId: <transactionId>"}


Help us in fixing this intermittent issue