Forum Discussion

Cekay's avatar
4 years ago

Git Integration and different users

Huhu 😃


I used to work alone on my project so I never had the problem before.

Are some you working on one projects with more than person? How do you avoid to overwrite changes from other testers?

Some of my new colleques used to have those problems (but with SVN)


I found this: but I hope the integration was improved by now?


Thank you and Cheers,


  • Hey Cekay,

    ReadyAPI! supports creating project files in two formats:

    1 single flat .xml file
    Multiple unflattened files (known as a composite).

    You just alter the project type property to composite and ReadyAPI does the work for you. Because its a composite, this allows multiple users to update the same project simultaneously. You dont have to use Git integration to maintain the versioning of your composite project, but if you do, then Git will handle all the adds/commits/pushes/merges for you users simultaneous changes as well as handling any merge comflicts if your users simultaneous updates attempt to alter the same object in your project.

    Hope thie helps


2 Replies

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey Cekay,

    ReadyAPI! supports creating project files in two formats:

    1 single flat .xml file
    Multiple unflattened files (known as a composite).

    You just alter the project type property to composite and ReadyAPI does the work for you. Because its a composite, this allows multiple users to update the same project simultaneously. You dont have to use Git integration to maintain the versioning of your composite project, but if you do, then Git will handle all the adds/commits/pushes/merges for you users simultaneous changes as well as handling any merge comflicts if your users simultaneous updates attempt to alter the same object in your project.

    Hope thie helps

    • Cekay's avatar

      Thank you. I hoped for more insight from users which actually are working on the same project.


      In theory I know all of that and my project is a composite project 😃 But like I said, I used to work alone and even than I lost some of my changes because of merges and had to rewrite those tests. I am not very advanced in GIT nor in SoapUI. :X I am (now) able to create my tests in a branch and merge that to develop/master. I even store most of my variable locally so they won't get saved but unfortunatelly that is not possible for everything.

      So what I expect to happen if my colleques will start running and writing tests too, that we will get a lot of merge conflict and lost code. ^^ But I think we will see